Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NEWS ALERT:All 4 Members of Fuzzy Mimosa to relocate to DC for PreZ Day WE

While The Analyst is still reluctant to commit (must he always mitigate risk?), the polls are looking strong for a 100% win in DC this weekend. Your Queen, your Fatty, and your Twink Puppet will be present. Please virtually stampede/waterboard The Analyst until he caves. Upon caving, he will make his presence in DC this weekend official on Fuzzy Mimosa. 

While I know that there are ski trips and Miami jetsetting, just remember the shitshow that was Taintsgiving and MLK weekend and reconsider. 

Myself, I plan to consume lots of a) gin and b) Potbelly's. And maybe some museums (and by museums, I don't mean a hungover trip for five minutes to the Atrium). 

Looking forward to seeing my harem oh so soon...


1 comment:

Britannia said...

Excuse me Miss Queen Vaj... That trip to the Atrium was the highlight of your trip, it was followed by a PotBelly's and hours and hours of Bear... Jeesh!